The Originals Foix, a comfortable hotel-brasserie to stay in Ariège
You couldn't be better located to discover the region or take a break on your journey to Spain. In the heart of Foix, 3km from the station and only
1h30 from Barcelona, The Originals Foix is a welcoming and friendly hotel open 7 days a week throughout the year. Availability, smiles and kindness are there for a moment of escape in all simplicity in Foix, in the heart of Ariège.
The Originals Foix, a hotel open to all near Spain
Make yourself comfortable in one of the 43 rooms available, divided into several categories between simple, family, superior and accessible to PRMs. Modern and elegant, they are carefully decorated and have everything you need for a quality stay with air conditioning , free wifi and a private bathroom . Rich in cultural heritage and must-see tourist attractions, the town of Foix is ideal for discovering Ariège by staying at the charming The Originals Foix hotel . Everything is simplified upon your arrival since you can collect your keys 24 hours a day thanks to an automatic box if you have reserved. A private car park is available for you to park, before settling into a pleasant and comfortable room.
The Originals Foix, quality services in this hotel in Ariège
Take advantage of the calm to rest, you will wake up with a tasty breakfast served as an all-you-can-eat continental buffet in a Bed&Breakfast style, the ideal option when you like to let yourself go. In the evening, the brasserie welcomes you for dinner from Monday to Saturday with service in the dining room or on the terrace if the weather permits. Renovated in 2022, the establishment is turning towards ecology with efficient taps, a heat pump system for heating and LED lighting. Take a well-deserved break, The Originals Foix even offers a VTC service to pick you up if you wish, and a modular seminar room for 40 people for professionals who want to concentrate.
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